13 Mei 2009

Welcome to "Diary InDi"

Welcome to “Diary InDi”

Hi… Thanks iaaa dah mampir di “Diary InDi”… Blog nyah cewek yang namanya Indira Tiyakusuma… Kaliandh boleh panggil InDi,,, atau kaLau mau Angelina Jolie juja gak papa… Hohoho… =p
aQuwh cewek keLas 9 SMPN 2 Jombang yang Lagi nunggu hasiL uJian nasionaL sebeLum pindAh seraGam jadi abu2 putih… Hehehe
aQuwh orangnya fun,,, suka banyak haL & suka nulis + ngomong apppaaaaaa adjah… Hohoho
MuLai dari fashion, kecantikan, Formula 1, pemain bola, game, film2, musik, dE EL eL…
Jadi di sini,,, Qta bisa share banyak haL & aQuwh penend bagi ceritaQuwh,,, pengalamanQuwh ama kaLiandh semua… cerita2 uniQue & ga terduGa yg ga pernah kaLiandh duga sampai detil2 terkeciLnyahh…
Cerita2Quwh Langsung dari diary-Quwh,,, Hehehe
kLo panJang,,, jaNgan berhenti baca,,, SAVE adjah & baca, baca, baca lagi di ruMah cZ cerita2 ini cumandh aDa di siNi… aQuwh bakaL update cerita2 seru tiap Minggu di sini… So,,, sering2 mampir yaaa & jangan Lupha comment yaaa!!! =D

Hi… Thanks for visiting “Diary InDi”… Blog of a girl, named Indira Tiyakusuma… You can call her InDi,,, or Angelina Jolie if you want… Hohoho =p
I’m a ninth grade student of SMPN 2 Jombang who is waiting for the National Exam Result before using Senior High School uniform… Hehehe
I’m just a fun girl,,, I love many things and talking or writing about everything… Hohoho
Such as fashion, beauty, Formula 1, football player, games, movies, music, and many others…
So here,,, we could share many things & I’d also like to tell my stories,,, my experiences with all of you… The unique & unpredictable stories you never heard before until the smallest details… 
My stories are directly based on my Diary… Hehehe
If you think it’s too long,,, please don’t stop reading but just SAVE it and you can read it at home… Because you will only find these fun stories here…
I will update my stories every week. So,,, pay a visit and leave a comment…
Thanks!!! =D

Indira Tiyakusuma
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